On November 7th 2008, we wrote a blog about man hole covers. There are A manhole covers, and K manhole covers. When walking around in Stockholm taking photos for the blog, I didn´t find any K-holes and wonderd why. I now have the answer.
K stands for kärlek (love) and they are good to step on to ensure true love, they are even better to kiss upon, just to make sure.
A is the complete opposite.
While I was visiting Gotland I suddenly saw a K-manhole cover. After having exhausted myself trying to find a K manhole cover in Stockholm , I was wondering,how is it that I found one in Gotland but not in Stockholm? To get an answer I spoke to Stockholm Vatten, the company which distributes water to all households in the city of Stockholm, and they told me that they have changed all the man hole covers with a K on them to covers with Stockholm Vatten instead. Why? I asked. Because it makes it much easier to see the difference between an A and a K for the people who work with them. Not only this but it is a form of advertising to the inhabitants and visitors to Stockholm to let them know who is delivering the water.....Stockholm Vatten.
So if you belive in A-holes and K-holes, you will just have to look in another place other than Stockholm, because there you will just meet A-holes and you know what they stand for?