While walking around Stockholm, it isn't long before you come to realize that there are a lot of manhole covers. Some are very ordinary looking and others are beautifully decorated. While mentioning this to a friend they imparted a little swedish urban myth upon me.
Plenty of Swedes believe that stepping on the manhole covers with a "K" brings good fortune and luck while stepping on the manhole covers with "A" will bring you misfortune. What do these letters stand for and what other sorts of powers can they bring the average person ?
The K on the manhole covers actually stands for källvatten (fresh water), but to the manhole cover people who step vicarously on them , the k stands for kärlek. As you step on the k covered manhole cover and think of the person you love, it will bring good fortune to both of you. Now if you jump you are really helping your efforts because those who jump on a k manhole cover will bring even better luck to themselves in the love life arena. Now if stepping and jumping haven't worked well the best thing you can do is bring the one you love and kiss them while standing on the k manhole cover.
but becareful........Just when you thought everything was solved you step your goodluck right out of exsistence.
The manhole covers with the A on them stands for avlopp (sewage), and this holds some pretty unlucky connotations. "A" can stand for avbruten (broken love),or avundsjuka (envy), or even act as a warning to beware (akta). The unlucky effects of the "A"manhole cover can be to counteract the love you just wished for on the "K" covers but not to worry the ill effects can absolutely be taken away by having someone pat you on the back three times. Did I mention they have to do this voluntarily without being asked ?
In our own search for love, we sent out our own Per Svangren to investigate the trotted paths of manhole covers. He came back with many photos of "A" manhole covers but he couldn't find a single "K". While asking various family and friends "where are the "K" manhole covers ?"; Everyone knows they've seen them they just can't remember where. So it seems many of us just walk over the "A's" in life. Be a friend and pat a back three times and remember to watch where you are walking.
Honestly....if you know where the "K" manhole covers are in Stockholm let us know. We truly would love to know.