Yesterday was a day and an evening filled with firsts.
- It was the first presidential election my eldest daugther voted in.
- It was the first time I felt nervous about an election.
- It was the first time in my life that I saw the American people take to the joy.
…..just some thoughts to share after a wonderfully triumphant night. I have high hopes that this election is the start of a positive and exciting process in getting our country back on track to be a healthier, fairer, more peaceful and safer place to live. We can bask in the victory knowing that we exercised our inalienable right to vote, that many of us did our part in helping with the campaign and that we shared our thoughts with each other. The legacy we leave “our” children is promising and will be far better than it has been - for that we can be proud. This election has affected me in ways that I didn’t realize it would and I look forward to what the next four years will bring.
Following are some of the events of last night starting with the acceptance speech of President-elect Obama.
It was a gorgeous fall day and hope was in the air......................
Friends and family gathered and waited..............
Gillian kept track of the poll closings throughout the U.S.
Ethan ate Obama pie while he waited.....we all did !! Thanks Aunt Ruth.
We waited for over an hour with nothing changing in the standings. It was "too close to call" in major battle states. Then the most incredible thing happened. The T.V. announcer said,"The west coast polls are closing in 10 seconds". The very next thing he said was "California is declaring that Obama has taken the state of California." The very next vision we had on T.V. was of Grant Park in Chicago with these words " President Elect Obama"