It doesn't take long to know that we love photography here at LearnSweden. Today I would like to introduce you formally to the work of my friend, colleague, and co-owner of LearnSweden, Per Svangren. You see his work often here on the blog, in our courses, and in our e-zine. Read on to learn more about our happy photographer and find out how you can have some of his work for yourself.
"I have always loved the way to find a good view of things. When I was a child I got my first camera while I was quite young. A Nikon and I took a lot pictures. While at school I chose photography as a subject and spent many hours in the darkroom, producing black and white pictures. When we had a chance to job share with a professional at work , I first had a week at Swedish Television and the second time at Dagens Nyheter as a photographer. This was the first time a saw the possibilities in the photos themselves and in photography as a job. After that I took some courses in photography. Is what changed everything for me was the digital age. When i bought my first digital camera I saw new possibilities in taking photos. I could take as many photos as I wanted just delete the ones I don't. It allows me to have a great amount of experimentation because I don't have the risk of "wasting" film.
I like to take pictures of people and especially of nature best of all is to link these two together."
"My Canon is one of my best friends and is always with me. "
This year’s calendar features the wonderful work of Per Svangren. Per’s photography celebrates his absolute love of living. Per’s photos strive to cultivate an appreciation for Sweden by offering a little glimmer into the unique variety of his world, whether that be on the LearnSweden blog, e-zine, courses or now on our calendar. By clicking on the widget below you can get a copy for yourself or give it as a gift. It adds beauty to any wall. On the right hand sidebar there is a link to let you go directly and get your copy. Until then just enjoy some of Per's photos.