In Sweden we buy around 3,000,000 Christmas trees every year. A tree costs around 200 Swedish crowns which gives 60,000,000 crowns or about $ 8,000,000 USD. The price of a Christmas tree changes depending where in Sweden it is bought. In smaller cities it could cost around 100 SEK and in the center of Stockholm it could cost up to 600 SEK.
92% of all families with smaller children have a Christmas tree. Compared to families without children, at just 42%
Most families bring home the tree around St. Lucia while others wait until the day before Christmas to buy it, and bring it home to decorate . There it will stand inside until January 13th , Tjugondag Knut. This is the traditional day for taking down all Christmas decorations, undress the tree, dance around it and give all dancers a small bag of candy.
Now the trees will warm people up when burning the in the fire place or in the big central incinerator.
Here in Stockholm, the town arranges a place where people can leave their trees. From here they will be transported and burned down. People leave them as they are or pack them in big plastic bags. For all of those falling pine needles , many people opt for the plastic bag. We opt for the vacuum cleaner.
So on this day of Tjugondag Knut remember to eat all of your left over cookies and enjoy this last moment of Christmas. Goodbye Christmas until next year!