I'm really not sure how to go about this. It is a lifelong dream of mine to participate in the Vasaloppet. Despite the fact that where I live we get very little snow. I had this idea that we, as in, we at LearnSweden ,could form a company team. I could fly into Sweden, stay a couple of months and train rigorously, do the race and fly home. :) That was until one certain co-worker admitted that he never has any intention of getting near this race let alone participate in it. There is hope, however, because I haven't spoken to the teaching staff yet. So teachers brace yourself because I'm coming to you with my dreams on a platter. If they say NO I will just continue on .....alone, with my loud guter family members.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm babbling on about let me give you a little background. Since 1922 people have been racing on cross country skis between Sälen and Mora, in Dalarna. It takes most skiers an average of 10 hours to complete this journey that is unless your name is Daniel Tynell. For the third time he has won the Vasaloppet with a staggering time of 4 hours,10 minutes, and 55 seconds. Our ladies winner was none other than Sandra Hansson who finished in 4 hours 43 minutes and 13 seconds. This year saw 15,000 participants.
To see the race to the finish have a look !
(Today's photos are from a news source from previous year's races. The video is courtesy of svt.se)