The invitation asked us to come to Savannah City Hall to witness the signing of an agreement between the greenest city in Sweden,Växjo, and a city in want of mentoring to become the greenest city in Georgia.
Växjo, a smallish city in the province of Småland has been a role model over the last 40 years in developing innovative approaches to "living green". Växjo and the surrounding area has made a committment to decrease their usuage of fossil fuels. To date they have decreased their per captia usage by 32% by using alternative and renewal fuel to heat their homes. They are also leaders in sustainable housing and environmental technologies. Clean-tech is Växjo's industry.
The Lord Mayor of Växjo, Nils Posse, says that Savannah has the potential to become "double green". Savannah already has a sustainable forest around it's city center, as well as, 21 green garden squares in the historic district of Savannah. Now with the help of Växjo, they will learn how to use renewable and reuseable energy to take Savannah into a state of "green".
Here's what happened:
We met and mingled.
We gathered to watch the signing of the agreement between Växjo and Savannah.
and now we exchange gifts ..........
and then it was done. May Savannah live long and double green.