What ? Yes. It has gotten it's name from the old Swedish word rena which means to clean. Why? There are different things people say about it but maybe it was because it was the day Christ cleaned his disciple's feet.
In old Swedish traditions, you have to be careful on this day, because this is the best day to make a deal with the devil, so many people stayed at home after dark. Blåkulla or what is known as today's Blå Jungfrun is legendary. It is viewed as an evil and magical place. Blåkulla, a Swedish island in the Baltic sea, is situated in the Kalmar Strait between Småland and öland. It belongs to Oskarhamn and is in the national park system. This, however, does not keep it from being the land of mystery and witches.
The name Blå Jungfrun (Blue Virgin) was originally used by sailors to avoid provoking evil spirits who dwelled on the island.
"People generally say that all witches will go here each Maundy Thursday; but those who have visited the palce once are not likely to return, and should find out the reason for the fable....." Carl Linnaeus
According to a still living tradition, anyone who removes a stone from the island will suffer from badluck until it is returned.
So it is on Skärstorsdagen, people say, witches, are going to Blåkulla to meet the Devil. They fly away on their brooms and return on Saturday. So today, children dress up like witches and are called Påskkärringar. They walk from house to house wishing everyone a Happy Easter, Glad Påsk . Collecting candy from all they greet the sound of goodies in a can is music to their ears.
On this day you can also see a lot of bonfires around Sweden. This could be witches fires or just because people want to make this dangerous night light or maybe just to celebrate that spring is coming.