What did Swedes do during the Easter holiday. Here are some statistics that will give you a clue about what we did.
On Thursday (Påskdagen) they went shopping. This is the second biggest shopping day in Sweden after Christmas. Shops sell about 20% more than in a normal week and at Systembolaget (The Liquor store) there were 830 000 visitors on Thursday. There we buy snaps. Systembolaget will sell 160% more snaps than usual week. And Karamellkungen a store which sells Smågodis, will sell 25% of the years total sales this day.
So what do we eat and drink during Easter:
6.000.000 eggs an hour during Thursday evening. kilos of candy.
66.000 liters tasted snaps.
Well, not everyone is eating all Easter, about 300.000 Swedes will go to the mountains for downhill skiing.
Some more statistic about candy. Every year Swedes will spend: Swedish crowns at smågodis crowns at chocolate
But we are just the tenth nation in the world in consuming chocolate, with 6,46 kilos/year. In the lead is Switzerland with 10,05 kilos/year
Sources: Dagens Nyheter and Caobisco