'Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.'
-- Victor Hugo
It started in music school. I was tired of carrying around large tablets of staff paper,or three ring binders filled with wrinkled compositions. While in London one spring day I ran across a Moleskine book which was created for composers. It was small. It could fit in my backpack or purse, and it created a sense of security that anything I was thinking could be saved by writing it down in a descrete manner.
If it worked so well for music couldn't it work well for writing and musical ideas that hadn't been put to music yet ? ......of course they could. For many years Moleskines were hard to find in the U.S. ! Everytime I went to Europe I would stock up on them, just incase I never came back and needed a lifetime supply in the US. So purchases were made in multiples of music , journal, and small black notebooks that have filled up over the years with a number of ideas and creative moments.
Flash ahead 15 years..........
It was a first business meeting with my now LearnSweden business partner Per Svangren. We sit down, order a coffee and.......everyone pulled out their moleskines. As far as I was concerned there wasn't a need for further discussion. Anyone who carries multiple moleskines for multiple creative moods and ideas would make an incredible business partner. I was right.....he has.
Someone who tickles my funny bone often is a blogger and creative thinker named Nick Cernis. He has written a lexicon inside a blog on the addiction to Moleskines. To discover if you are one or not ,have a look at his article Moleskine Notebooks: The Ultimate Guide . This isn't to be missed. I even discovered Molskines I didn't know exsisted. For all of my travels I will have to buy the city guides. I might need a 12 step program after this......but why ? I'll just live in my little black book bliss !