Here we are week three of The Joy Diet. Wow a lot to think about in this chapter and many layers to unveil.
While continuing to go through all of the exercises in this chapter the one desire that kept coming up over and over again was that of service and usefulness. Humbly and gratefully I can tell you that I've experienced much and have been afforded many opportunities. From all of these experiences, I would like to make the last half of my life one of servitude. I just want to leave this planet and the people who live on it a little better off because I was here.
Martha talks about quickening. It's the moment a desire becomes an intention. It's something that captures the truth from deep within us. It's as if our desires have their own agendas. All we can do is wait and wonder and cherish the "joy ride."
There are a couple of instances this happens to me. The first is with books. Oh how I love books. I can't remember a time in my life without books. Books are a shared and cherished commodity in this house. They are meant to be savored and experienced. Some time ago I realized that not every child has adults in their lives who love reading. So I'm a huge advocate of children's literacy. Doing interventions with at risk readers as well as just sitting and reading to someone makes my day. My desire is to contribute somehow, in a really big way, to literacy. So this idea is spawning itself and as it does so I will just continue doing what I'm doing.
The second situation where I get a joy buzz is helping women and children. I sponsor several women with Women for Women as well as sponsor female business owners at Kiva. Just knowing that my little bit of contribution is making a huge difference in someones life makes me extremely happy. Each woman I sponsor is able to write to me. There is a human connection and so many areas I can relate to such as being a mother.
I've been reading this book called,"Half the Sky". These women have lived hellish lives and rise up like a phoenix to be role models for their families and communities. After each heart rendering story I feel inspired that whatever I have to give will make a difference. I'm convinced that I have a responsibility to my global community to be a part of it and interact with it.
I'll be interested to see where these little glimmers of "desire" will take me. I'm sure it will be an interesting journey.
What inspires you? What's your life's desire?