Over the weekend it finally warmed up. Now we were back into the 40's and it felt down right balmy. On Sunday it rained off and on all day but this didn't detour one active boy. He was out in galloshes for most of the day,coming in every now and then to get something to eat.
"Hey mom! Tomorrow if it's raining why don't we have a picnic. We could make soup and put it in a thermos.Bring cheese sandwiches and drink hot tea. Then we could play in the stream." This was expressed with much enthusiasm by an almost 11 year old boy.
Sounded great to me.
I knew the minute I woke up yesterday that there was going to be a problem with the above mentioned plan.
Yes, sunshine and all the warmth that a good sun shining brings.
"Sorry buddy. We will have to have our rainy day picnic another day."
"It's ok mom. We can just go for an unrainy day walk instead."
And so we did.