Maybe you remember our vixen and kits from last spring? After that sighting I never saw the kits again but through out the rest of this year, almost daily I am greeted by my friend the fox. She always seems to be aware of me and though she never comes near me, I am clearly under observation.It isn't an uncommon thing to drive in the driveway and see her waiting for me in the lawn. Calmly she heads to her den. She was just checking to make sure I got in ok. In the morning I wake up early just so I can see her slink back into her den from the forest. Recently, she stops,and sits on the lawn and looks right up at me in the kitchen window. I often wonder if she goes back to her family at the end of the day and says" I saw a human today!" I've become so greatly attached to this beauty. I feel like I'm in that movie "The Fox and the Child". A must see!
P.S. Garden Mama is hosting the most incredible Gnome giveaway I've ever seen. It's gnomerific!!! Yes...I did just say that.