I thought today's blog post would be about the 4th of July, happily celebrated among family, friends, and the foxes. As I was looking through the myriad of photos I took, I noticed a very special story emerging.
Mimi climbed into bed with us yesterday morning and started chattering about what she was baking for the fourth of July. Prodding her tired momma along, we skipped breakfast and headed straight to the store so as not to throw her off schedule. Mimi had put her dibs on making the desserts and so everyone was expecting some very great things.
By the time my little brunch was finished the counter was full of apples peels.
After all of the apples were peeled, a conversation ensued as to which was the better way to slice an apple for an apple crisp. Length wise or in little slices? Aunt Claire has been visiting us this past week and so she joined in the conversation and lent a helping hand.
Once all of the apples were sliced in the agreed upon manner, Aunt Claire added her special touch to the apples. A little lemon juice and sugar make this special blend of apples taste oh so much better. We had some left over and we just ate them with a fork. They were so good.
Aunt Claire wanted to make sure I got this next photo in.
Next came the crumble part. Mimi was asking me how to cut butter into flour. I pulled out a fork and started showing her when Aunt Claire asked for the bowl and gave it her special touch. Who needs a fork when one has two perfectly good hands?
The above set of hands gave way to the next set of hands.
To make the perfect apple crisp. A memory caught sharing knowledge from one generation to the other.