Greetings Friends~ I thought I would update you to our status. We are still very cold, very snowy, and yes I must, have to, know matter what, get in my car today to take my daughter back to University. It's nail biting time as I go over two mountain ranges. At least my ipod is charged and I've just loaded some good books and music.
Which brings me to sort of a confession and realization. Our household is a techno mixed bag. My children are very agile and adept at using any kind of media.My husband sends emails and really I'm so impressed with his texting, and then there is me.
I consider myself to be very hip when it comes to technology except in the area of texting.
The keyboard is so small and how do you make a letter capitalized, place a comma or the ever popular exclamation point? Why when I back space does the entire message disappear? Here's the confession part, I've only been texting for about a year, even-though I've had the phone capability to do so for longer. Is what brought me out of the texting closet were my girlfriends. I considered myself to be so much more techno-hip than they were and I couldn't even text. So I succumbed to peer pressure. My girls complain that I write way too much stuff in a text message and hence my frustration with texting. Big girl Zuzu sent me this website yesterday called When parents text and now I understand. Yes I understand that I'm a bit wordy but at least my wit shines through and you get to read complete words. So I guess that makes me Hip and Wordy. :0
So off I go into the frozen tundra........back tomorrow. Be well everyone!