Finally I've found 5 seconds to pick up the sticks and string again. Happily I'm participating in Linda's knit a long. This time it's the Shalom Cardi. I've wanted to knit this for years and now I've found the perfect occasion.
Here's how far I've gotten. So far so good. No big hic-ups yet. My yarn is from "the stash". I have 20 balls of this yarn and am determined to make it work no matter what. The first thing I'm noticing is that it doesn't show the pattern very well, but this yarn is easy to handle and I think it will make a very cozy sweater.
While you're reading this I'm in NYC at Book Expo America. I'll be back at the end of the week with fun news from New York City.
Until then please don't forget about the 5 book Percy Jackson Giveaway over at Jump Into A Book. Ends May 28th !!!