Long afterwards, she was to remember that moment when her life changed direction. ~ Evelyn Anthony
Just over a year ago I was sitting at my desk. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something moving in the front yard and when I turned to look I noticed the fox I had been seeing for months.
I watched her as she walked across the yard, and that's when I saw them.
Four beautiful baby fox kits. There was nothing to do but grab my camera and from that moment on nothing has been the same.
For weeks they lived in my garden. Everyday at the same time 6:30 am, 2 pm, and 6:30 pm I would be poised with my cameras sitting in the front yard. They got use to me and I got use to them. What happened was nothing short of magical.
The veil and division I had in my mind between humans and nature quickly disappeared as I established a front row seat into the world of foxes.
Every week on Thursdays I would post about my garden visitors only to have many of you stop in and check up on them. As Spring turned into Summer my garden friends left and the absence in my life after their departure was enormous. Still to this day I look out my windows expecting to see them.
In early Autumn, with the encouragement from many of you, I started on the journey of putting these many happy memories into a book that would be both their story while capturing the magic of that moment.
In six days time the launch of the Fox Diaries will be here. Starting Monday I've gathered together some of my blogging friends both near and far to help us celebrate the year the foxes came to my garden. Stay tuned tomorrow to see what doors this fox adventure opened up, as well as where we'll be going on this first leg of the blog tour. Until then have a great day and be sure to look out your window to see what magic is happening in your garden and then follow it.