I was teaching my sweet daughter the art of the flanneur. Flanneur in French means to stroll and it's one of the things I love to do the most when I'm in Paris. As we were strolling along the Seine, I noticed this tree, the same tree that spits out hundreds of little spikey pods back at home. The same spikey pods which send me collapsing to the ground whenever I step on them in the garden. "Why" I thought would such an annoying tree be on the banks of the Seine in the middle of Paris?" Even Paris has it's thorns. There I stood taking a photo to remember this moment of the annoying tree.

It was after the photo was taken that I noticed these locks on the bridge in front of me.

Each lock held the names of two people. Some, without locks simply wrote their names on a ribbon tying it to the bridge. "What is this?" I thought.
"MOM, look over here !!!!

And that's when I knew, it had to be love.
On the other side of the bridge there isn't a spot to be found except for the locks of love. It started a few years ago. Those in love would come with a lock, names engraved with a date, linked to the bridge and the key thrown over into the Seine. A love that will last forever, never to be undone.

In 2010, the city of Paris announced that it would be taking off all the locks on it's bridges because it was ruining the asethetics of the City of Lights. One night as the city slept all the locks were removed. The city of Paris fained ingnorance and said it was probably junk collectors who had done it. The people of Paris were so outraged that within the course of one week 2000 locks went back up on the bridges, more than had originally been there.
Now, when you come to the City of Lights, which is also known as the City of Love, bring a lock with the name of you and your love's and be entwined forever or at least linked.