Hi Everyone,
It's been a busy week but I wanted to pop in to share with you that tomorrow I'll be speaking at the Boys Alive event at 4 pm Eastern and 1 pm Pacific. IT'S FREE!!!!!
It's been an incredible 3 week event. Which has really built a fabulous foundation for working with the "boys" in your life.
For those of you who would like to hear all three weeks for Event, plus get the Summary and Action Plans, you'll be ENTERED TO WIN the COMPLETE Rick Riordan catalog, completments of Jump into A Book. What a fabulous gift any boy would love!
Here is a little bit more about this weeks speakers.
From the Boys Alive Site:

Boys are in trouble. High school drop-out rates are increasing and the number of males attending college is decreasing. This has SERIOUS implications for future income-earning potential and overall life satisfaction.
And it all begins in PRE-SCHOOL!
· Boys tend to think school is for girls (and especially language arts!)
· Popular media reinforces the notion that boys and men don’t read. (When was the last time you saw a superhero or sports figure reading?)
· If he shows enthusiasm for school, especially language arts, he may not be perceived by his peers as a real boy.
LISTEN IN as experts give you the map. They will guide YOU, so that you can guide HIM to become a confident reader and writer.
And be sure to let your son’s school teachers and administrators know about this amazing collaboration of experts:
Dr. Thomas Newkirk, author of Misreading Masculinity – boys, literacy, and popular culture, brings insights into boys and their relationship to sports, movies, video games and other popular culture. He sees these media not as enemies of literacy, but as resources for literacy.
Kelley King, author of Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls, will present practical strategies and activities that have been field tested in real classrooms to harness the unique strengths of girls and boys.
Michael McQueen is a school librarian and a confessed reluctant reader! He provides unique ways to engage boys via their interests. He is the author of several websites that provide support for boys and reading.
Emily Rempe is a physical therapist and mom. She hosts a website that provides practical, daily activity suggestions to parents of 0 to 5 year old children. By supporting age-appropriate, early learning activities in the home, children are more prepared when they enter school.
Valarie Budayr, publisher and author of The Fox Diaries, shares ways to get boys actively involved in reading through projects, field trips, and other activities. She knows boys need to move to learn and she helps parents and teachers with creative ways to do that!
We know you worry…and wonder…about your boy. If you’re a teacher, we know you worry and wonder, too.
Change that worry into decisive action with the help of these experts!
REGISTER NOW and have immediate access to our Treasure Chest of gifts from our speakers. These gems alone are priceless!
I highly recommend Janet and the experts she's interviewed - if you're serious about parenting your boy in a more successful way – you won’t want to miss this ground-breaking on-line Event!
Carnival of Children's Literature.

photo by Stuck in Customs
Tomorrow as well, Jump Into a Book will be hosting the Carnival of Children's Literature. Sponsored by the Kidlitosphere blog and website, the monthly Carnival of Children's Literature shares some great post from kidlit bloggers. Come over tomorrow and meet some of my book loving friends.